Learning from the Extremes

Self-Reflection on Rural and Remote School Innovation

Welcome to the Learning from the Extremes’ Self-Reflection Tool! Learning from the Extremes (LfE) will address inequalities of access to digital education by enhancing inclusion and by reducing the digital gap suffered by school communities from remote areas with low connectivity, limited or no access to devices and digital educational tools and content. LfE is exploring how schools can move from self-reflection to developing a comprehensive plan of action that utilises the results of a pre-post self-reflection process, but, crucially, in combination with fundamental principles and mechanisms of European educational policy for rural and remote schools. The project is relying on the established self-reflection methodologies:

  • The Open Schools for Open Societies Self-Reflection Tool (OSOS-SRT)
  • The Reflecting4Change Self-Reflection Tool (R4C-SRT)

LfE aims to offer a vision of what can be achieved with adequate investment in ICT infrastructure, tools and content, along with a detailed Rural School Innovation Roadmap on how to achieve that vision – a plan with clear targets, clear priorities, and a management process that will ensure continuous feedback and reflection.

Participating rural and remote schools will all benefit from stronger, more responsive and reliable distance education platforms, online labs and simulations, supporting high-performance web-conferencing and collaboration tools. All schools will be able to share teaching excellence with professional support in the classroom, the school and the region. Students will have modern, connected and constructive learning spaces equipped to support engaged, personalised learning. Teachers will have the development, support and resources they need to integrate digital tools within the learning environment. School communities will have access to digital tools and connectivity for effective communication and collaboration.

Before you start this journey, please take few minutes to read the instructions below. In the following document you will find information on how use the Self-Reflection Tool.

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